A week of peaceful sleep!
Baby Portraits!!!
Here's the link to view the photos:
And, here is the photographer's main link if you live in the Tyler area and are interested...
Let me know what you think!!
8 weeks old
1. Smile! It just melts my heart when she gives me a big gummy grin!
2. Sleep...I love watching her sleep. She makes all these cute noises. And, when she was itty bitty at first, I loved just holding her as she slept. It was so calming.
3. Her Lips...She has beautiful, plump lips
4. Stares at the lights. She loves looking at lights indoors or outdoors and she will crane her neck back to look at them!
5. Recognizes Mommy and Daddy's voice.
6. Her plump looking belly. She's my chunky monkey!
7. Calm nature. She is so relaxed for most of the day unless it is her fussy time at night or if it is nap time and she is sleepy.
8. Coo's. I could listen to her 'talk' for hours. The gurglings are so sweet!
Video of Piper
Piper slept through the night again! 3 nights in a row!!
Michael and I had our first "real" date last night since Piper was born. Our friend, Brittany, offered to watch her so we dropped Piper off for a couple of hours and grabbed a bite to eat and ran some errands. I guess running errands isn't really a date but I'm going to count it as one just b/c we didn't have Piper with us! This is a busy week for the both of us so it was nice to have some down time with each other. Thanks Auntie B!!
Michael has put his production skills to good use and produced a cute little video of Piper talking and smiling! You'll want to watch it more than once! Just in the past few days she has started being a lot more vocal during the day. I think this clip is about 2 1/2 min. long. Enjoy!!
At the Lake
It's a Miracle!
Sleepy Head!
Happy Father's Day Daddy!
Piper's 1st Trip to Oklahoma
These pics are in no particular order!
Here is Piper and Lilly in their matching dresses! Aren't they adorable and look at Piper smiling!! I love it! Chandra took even better pics of the two. I can't wait for her to email me those pictures! It was fun seeing Chandra and Lilly. We drove to their new house in OKC on Monday. Chandra and Rusty have done a lot to fix it up! We ate lunch there and a college friend, Sonya, came by to meet Piper. It was good to see Sonya and later I realized that I forgot to take a picture of her holding Piper! On Wednesday morning, Chandra and Lilly came over to Sheryl's house. It was fun to hang out. I wish we lived in the same town!!!
My Social Butterfly
Piper was completely off her schedule for most of the day, but I actually was very calm about it-surprisingly! I think by the end of the night, Piper was wiped out! In the back of my mind, I really thought we would have a horrible night b/c of the lack of structure during the day and I would be having a nervous breakdown this morning from lack of sleep but the Lord really blessed us last night with great sleep! I got her home around 9:30 pm. She ate and fussed for a while but finally fell asleep around 10:45 pm and did not wake up again until 3:30 am to eat!! It was a great night. I woke her up at 6 am this morning to eat and begin our day! What a great night!
Today we have a brunch to attend and then tonight the Flynn family is going to watch Piper while we are at the wedding. The Flynn's are our Sunday school teachers. It will be Piper's first babysitting experience!! I'm excited about it! After the wedding, my sister's family will be arriving to spend the weekend with us! Piper will finally meet the rest of her cousins and her Uncle Trebor!
Here is Daddy and Piper at the rehearsal dinner! My two favorite people!!
Having Fun With Our Friends!

In other news...We finally went to church again since Piper was born. It was so good to be back! Each Sunday since her birth we have either had company or a bad night which left us exhausted! Also, Piper is growing a lot these days! She has finally graduated from newborn diapers to size 1 and she has outgrown a few of her newborn outfits. We're finally getting into 0-3 month old clothing! Michael and I held her and weighed on our home scale and she is about 10 pounds now! She has rolly pollies on her thighs! I love it! She's also holding her head up really well! She has had a strong neck since her birth but lately it seems like we aren't having to hold her head as much b/c she has much better control! It is so cool to see her growing but sad at the same time. She is going to be a big girl before we know it!