Yes, it's another video of Piper! This time she is laughing (not just a measly giggle) over and over at me saying "Quack-a-doodle-doo" during her bath time. I think this was my favorite bath time with her yet! The video lasts for about a minute. Thanks to Michael for his wonderful always!
4 months and counting...
The scoop
Well, here's the latest scoop on this crazy move! (Which could change tomorrow...who knows!!) We didn't find a house that we were completely in love with but we did find a house that is being built that we liked so yesterday we gave an offer but short story, it didn't work out the way we absolutely wanted so we walked away. Now, we will be homeless and in a rental for a while. Michael and I both feel at peace that this is a good thing. Maybe it will help us not feel rushed and to get a better feel for where we'd really like to be in the Ardmore area. I am a little sad that Piper has to spend her first year of life in such a transition state, but at the same time, she's only a baby! I'm sure it won't affect her like it would if she were older! The other negative thing about renting is that all of our furniture and stuff is going to be placed in storage b/c we do not want to move twice. We'll only be taking the bare necessities to the rental. It will feel a bit empty I'm sure!! The movers will be here on Sept. 8 & 9th to get the majority of our furniture and other stuff. I am ready to join Michael there. It has been a hard week emotionally with just me and Piper. It feels so good to have him home for the weekend. Only one more week of this! On a really great note, Michael had a good first week at Valero. It sounds like he is going to like it! Please be in prayer for us right now.
Attitude is Everything!
I watched the following clip on GMA this morning and was so touched by it that I wanted to share it with you...makes you think about your priorities and the blessings you have. I take so much for granted.
Pics of Piper Playing
Update on the moving process...
*Sigh* That's what I'm doing right now as I keep going on fumes! We went to Ardmore Sun.-today to house hunt and I'm exhausted! It is not easy to look for a house (in the rain, may I add) and stay in a one room hotel w/a baby! How did they do it in the old days when the entire family lived in one room?? Poor little Piper is exhausted too and probably ready to kick her car seat to the curb. Our realtor, Donna, has some kind of patience when she can drive in the rain and concentrate with a screaming (not crying) baby, as well as deal with picky me!!
So, during this trip we hoped to find temporary housing such as an apt., rent house, or extended stay apartment and the quote, unquote perfect house that spoke to my heart. I am a lover of homes and as weird as this may sound, I get little flutters inside when I walk into the home I want to love and take care of...which is how I felt when I first entered my current house! I saw it needed TLC and I wanted to give it some! Ha...I'm sounding weird now, but that is the truth! Anyway, we didn't exactly have enough time to find the temporary housing b/c of time and the baby! And, we didn't exactly find the house that spoke to my heart. I just want to be in an established neighborhood in town and in a bit of an older home but not really old. Something, that we can make our own with a little work. There were not many homes in town in our price range that didn't need tons of work and there were not many homes in town for sale period! So, right now we are trying to decide b/n a brand new house located in the country in a not so established neighborhood w/gravel roads or a house that is being built in a bigger not so established neighborhood, but w/more neighbors than the other house we are considering. The first house is cute, don't get me wrong. I like it. I could see my stuff in it as well as myself but it is in the country. It is, however, in the school district that I prefer the most. The second house is going to be a great/cute house as well. I would really love to be in the building process of it. But, it is in the country too w/gravel roads and in a school district that is not my first choice. I wish I had pics for you to see but I don't! Some of you are thinking...The country would be great! But, this new mommy does not want to be isolated and even though she grew up in the country she is a town girl at heart. There are good and bad to both houses so it's a hard decision. Either way, I know the Lord will provide for us even if it means being in the country. I can do it! We are waiting for things to move along a bit more w/this house in Tyler before doing anything else w/a house there. Michael begins his new job at Valero on Monday. He'll be staying in a hotel while Piper and I stay back this next week then we should know more later in the week of what we'll be doing. Whew! On a really positive note, I am excited about moving to Ardmore. I think, even though it is a smaller town, I will really like the community. They have some pretty cute little shops that I'm excited to explore and the people are friendly. We had a couple overhear that we were moving to Ardmore and they made it a point to come welcome us to Ardmore. Isn't that sweet!
So, during this trip we hoped to find temporary housing such as an apt., rent house, or extended stay apartment and the quote, unquote perfect house that spoke to my heart. I am a lover of homes and as weird as this may sound, I get little flutters inside when I walk into the home I want to love and take care of...which is how I felt when I first entered my current house! I saw it needed TLC and I wanted to give it some! Ha...I'm sounding weird now, but that is the truth! Anyway, we didn't exactly have enough time to find the temporary housing b/c of time and the baby! And, we didn't exactly find the house that spoke to my heart. I just want to be in an established neighborhood in town and in a bit of an older home but not really old. Something, that we can make our own with a little work. There were not many homes in town in our price range that didn't need tons of work and there were not many homes in town for sale period! So, right now we are trying to decide b/n a brand new house located in the country in a not so established neighborhood w/gravel roads or a house that is being built in a bigger not so established neighborhood, but w/more neighbors than the other house we are considering. The first house is cute, don't get me wrong. I like it. I could see my stuff in it as well as myself but it is in the country. It is, however, in the school district that I prefer the most. The second house is going to be a great/cute house as well. I would really love to be in the building process of it. But, it is in the country too w/gravel roads and in a school district that is not my first choice. I wish I had pics for you to see but I don't! Some of you are thinking...The country would be great! But, this new mommy does not want to be isolated and even though she grew up in the country she is a town girl at heart. There are good and bad to both houses so it's a hard decision. Either way, I know the Lord will provide for us even if it means being in the country. I can do it! We are waiting for things to move along a bit more w/this house in Tyler before doing anything else w/a house there. Michael begins his new job at Valero on Monday. He'll be staying in a hotel while Piper and I stay back this next week then we should know more later in the week of what we'll be doing. Whew! On a really positive note, I am excited about moving to Ardmore. I think, even though it is a smaller town, I will really like the community. They have some pretty cute little shops that I'm excited to explore and the people are friendly. We had a couple overhear that we were moving to Ardmore and they made it a point to come welcome us to Ardmore. Isn't that sweet!
She's Got the Giggles!
Piper giggled for the first time today! We went to the dr. to rule out whether or not she had an ear infection, which she doesn't! Praise Jesus! While we were there, she giggled at the nurse! There was no question about it! So, I tried and tried to get her to giggle for me...Nothing! Later, Michael was playing with her while I was at a friend's house and she giggled for him. So I tried again later...Still nothing! Then, as I was getting her ready for bed tonight she did it!!! Yea! Michael pulled the video camera out and started filming. Here is a clip. She only giggles one little time in this footage. The rest of it is her babbling and screeching, but there is one little itty bitty giggle. I wish you could have heard the giggles she gave me right before we began filming. They were precious! I know there are much more to come!! I can't wait.
By the way, listen closely for Michael's giggles at the very end!!! Haha!
By the way, listen closely for Michael's giggles at the very end!!! Haha!
Our Crazy Life!
So much is going on right now in our lives! If it slows down too much, I'm reminded that I get bored very easily so bring on the craziness! I have a list of things to share with you. Let's begin with Piper first b/c this blog is about her, after all!
First off...Piper has discovered how to gurgle! It is so cute. She and Michael have these little gurgling conversations with each other! So Fun! And, she has rolled to one side 3 different times since Monday! Thirdly...Little Miss Sleepy Head has not been a sleepy head the past week and a half. Yes, she is still sleeping through the night but she has been extra fussy during her daytime naps. She takes 3 a day and she's acting as if she wants to drop the 3rd nap already. Everything I have read says that should not happen until 6 months or so. Yes, I know that no baby goes by the book, but I've been enjoying that 3rd nap time! I'm not ready to lose it just yet! And, she hasn't slept through the first 2 naps peacefully either. As a parent, I'm learning that this baby thing is a major guessing game. One that I am not good at! I've gone through the checklist over and over. I am almost certain she isn't sick. It may be that she's for sure teething b/c she's been showing signs of that for some time now. She may not be getting enough to eat, but have you seen the girl? She doesn't look as if she's lacking! Or, it's just a unexplained phase...hopefully, this 'phase' will end soon and we can go back to what seems normal to us! I know you mature moms are probably laughing at me right now, but I feel crazy some days b/c of my cluelessness! (My sister probably feels crazy too b/c I keep calling her to ask questions!) Ok-next thing: I really was stressed out about my milk production for the past few days, but finally today I feel confident that everything is okay and balancing out! I think part of my stress was due to the fact that Piper is not taking a bottle once again so I couldn't supplement when I felt like she wasn't getting enough! Yikes!! I would like to correct this before we move but that is easier said than done! And, the last thing: Piper started cereal today!!! She did great despite her huge sneeze that caused food to fly, her poopy diaper in the middle of eating which was distracting, and her recent love of gurgling! I think she may have liked the cereal, but I have no idea! I'll just be giving it to her once a day for a while! So that's what's going on with Piper. Here are some fun pics to look at!
The picture above has no significance other than I think it's hilarious! Michael snapped this the other day. It reminds me of an old man in his underwear and socks! Oh, I'm such a horrible mother. This may humiliate Piper one day but I could not resist! I will have to look at this picture when I'm worried she's not getting enough to eat!
And, this picture is Piper eating cereal for the 1st time today! Yea baby girl! I'm so proud of you!
Now, for the non-Piper news! We have accepted an offer on our house as of last night. Yes, it only took 8 days!! We will not be able to sign any paperwork until Aug. 25th b/c of Michael's new job and the relocation company situation. The buyer cannot close until Sept. 30th but I have a peace about it and feel confident that it will work out. Please be in prayer that everything closes and wraps up as planned so that we can move on! If something does fall through then I know the Lord will provide another buyer and we will be taken care of!
Let's see...the other news is ... nothing I guess! Except for, how about the Olympics?? I'm getting into them this summer. I'm a Phelps fan all the way! Go Team USA!
First off...Piper has discovered how to gurgle! It is so cute. She and Michael have these little gurgling conversations with each other! So Fun! And, she has rolled to one side 3 different times since Monday! Thirdly...Little Miss Sleepy Head has not been a sleepy head the past week and a half. Yes, she is still sleeping through the night but she has been extra fussy during her daytime naps. She takes 3 a day and she's acting as if she wants to drop the 3rd nap already. Everything I have read says that should not happen until 6 months or so. Yes, I know that no baby goes by the book, but I've been enjoying that 3rd nap time! I'm not ready to lose it just yet! And, she hasn't slept through the first 2 naps peacefully either. As a parent, I'm learning that this baby thing is a major guessing game. One that I am not good at! I've gone through the checklist over and over. I am almost certain she isn't sick. It may be that she's for sure teething b/c she's been showing signs of that for some time now. She may not be getting enough to eat, but have you seen the girl? She doesn't look as if she's lacking! Or, it's just a unexplained phase...hopefully, this 'phase' will end soon and we can go back to what seems normal to us! I know you mature moms are probably laughing at me right now, but I feel crazy some days b/c of my cluelessness! (My sister probably feels crazy too b/c I keep calling her to ask questions!) Ok-next thing: I really was stressed out about my milk production for the past few days, but finally today I feel confident that everything is okay and balancing out! I think part of my stress was due to the fact that Piper is not taking a bottle once again so I couldn't supplement when I felt like she wasn't getting enough! Yikes!! I would like to correct this before we move but that is easier said than done! And, the last thing: Piper started cereal today!!! She did great despite her huge sneeze that caused food to fly, her poopy diaper in the middle of eating which was distracting, and her recent love of gurgling! I think she may have liked the cereal, but I have no idea! I'll just be giving it to her once a day for a while! So that's what's going on with Piper. Here are some fun pics to look at!
Now, for the non-Piper news! We have accepted an offer on our house as of last night. Yes, it only took 8 days!! We will not be able to sign any paperwork until Aug. 25th b/c of Michael's new job and the relocation company situation. The buyer cannot close until Sept. 30th but I have a peace about it and feel confident that it will work out. Please be in prayer that everything closes and wraps up as planned so that we can move on! If something does fall through then I know the Lord will provide another buyer and we will be taken care of!
Let's see...the other news is ... nothing I guess! Except for, how about the Olympics?? I'm getting into them this summer. I'm a Phelps fan all the way! Go Team USA!
Oklahoma Here We Come!
Well, many of you know our latest news but for those of you who do not, this Levy family is moving. Michael has accepted a position with Valero at their Ardmore, Oklahoma refinery and begins August 25th. He has 1 1/2 weeks left at CBI here in Tyler. I have been dying to share this with everyone but have had to keep it under wraps until Michael gave his notice. Michael is very excited for this change and I am too. I know this is something that he needs in order to be stretched and challenged and in turn will be something good for our family. I have been excited about the thought of moving but now that it is a for sure, I'm nervous! Plus, since Piper's birth many people have been so generous to us with their time, encouragement, and resources and I will be sad not to have that for her. I have also begun to make more friends recently and I am a bit bummed that I will not get to see those relationships through in person. But, I do know that the Lord is in this decision and that He will see us through in Ardmore. I'm praying to find a house I love and to meet a close friend soon. Even with all the unknowns, I think I am feeling calm for the most part. We'll see how I feel once packing begins!! Our house was put on the market this past Monday. Hopefully, it will not take long for it to sell so Piper and I can move on. We plan to get an apartment for Michael and she and I will just be going back and forth until our house sells. The MLS # is 9980001. Look it up on and send it on to anyone you know who might be interested! It has been a great house for us. I will be a little sad to say goodbye to it! So that's all on that now. I'll be talking about it more in future posts!!
Getting Together With the Girls!
Yesterday, I came back from my annual girls trip. Every year, 4 of my best friends from college and I get together to spend some quality time together. Sadly, I did not take a lot of pics; only 2! We have never brought our kids along but this year we did; mainly b/c 3 of us just had babies and before it was only Lindsey with a child. We had a 6 mo. old, 3 mo. old, and a 5 wk. old joining us. I think we all agree that it was a bit exhausting and we will look forward to leaving our little ones in the care of others next summer! I'm pooped, but life doesn't slow down! We are taking care of our neighbor's 6 yr. old, Mikenlie, for a few nights. This is Mikenlie below with Piper.
Piper in her bath last night.
From left to right; Piper (3 mo.); Lilly (6 mo.); Kinley (5 wks.) Chandra took some better pics. I look forward to seeing them. They are all in their matching dresses!
This is my friend Julia with Piper. We met our freshmen year in Kerr Drummond dormitory at OSU. She stopped by the mall on Saturday to see our group and our babies. It was her first time to meet Piper.
These are 2 of my girlfriends in the group. Kat on the left and Kari on the right. I didn't get a pic of Lindsey or Chandra. We were standing in line for Sonic drinks. The mall was crazy busy b/c of the Oklahoma tax free weekend. I was a basket case. It was too crowded and hot for me to keep my sanity!!
For those of you who don't know me that well, I get together with this group of girls every year. We made a pact our Sr. year of college that we would do this. We would do just about anything for each other. Every year when we get together it is a time to chill out together, pray for each other, challenge, encourage, laugh, ask the hard questions, etc. It's such a blessing to have girlfriends like this.
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