Gobble, Gobble!
Thanksgiving 2008 was a good one for us! We drove to Fargo, OK to stay with my parents on Thursday & Friday and then we headed to Clinton on Saturday. I let Piper try turkey, bread, and mashed potatoes for the 1st time. She liked it all! When we were in Clinton, her Aunt Valerie and Grammy sneaked her some pumpkin pie! On Thanksgiving day, Piper's 4th tooth popped through. And, over the holiday weekend she started to babble a lot! It's as if she's going to say a real word at any moment b/c she has facial expressions and hand gestures that suggest she means business and she wants us to understand...just like her mom! As many of you know, Piper has not been the most happy traveler in her car seat, but this trip we got smart! Michael set up the portable dvd player in the backseat and I purchased a Baby Einstein dvd for her. Whenever she woke up in the car and started to fuss we pushed play and like magic she was as happy as can be! She would squeal in delight as she watched. It was an amazing miracle and made for a completely pleasant trip of no fussing! I highly recommend doing this if you have a fussy baby. It's worth every penny! With that said, enjoy our Thanksgiving day pics!
Piper and Aunt Sheryl. The lighting wasn't so great!
Piper with her Nall cousins. From left: Anna, Paige, Olivia, and Seth & Piper in the seat!
Piper in her turkey bib with Mommy.
This little red chair she is sitting in is another great piece of baby gear! It's a Chicco brand portable high chair. It hooks up onto the table and is very sturdy. It's easy to take off and it's slim once folded up. Great for traveling or if you do not have a large space for a high chair. I plan to just leave it in my trunk for when we travel.
Sitting Up
Keeping it Real!
Free Redbox DVD Rental
I just wanted to share a blog that I've been reading lately. http://www.dealseekingmom.com/
She offers the obvious...deals on stuff she finds. Anyway, if you go on her blog EVERY Monday she has a code that you can enter at any Redbox (usually found at Walmart or McDonalds) to receive a free dvd rental. Now you can have a free Monday movie night!
She offers the obvious...deals on stuff she finds. Anyway, if you go on her blog EVERY Monday she has a code that you can enter at any Redbox (usually found at Walmart or McDonalds) to receive a free dvd rental. Now you can have a free Monday movie night!
Piper these days
We are having so much fun with Piper these days. This stage is really fun, but so far all the stages have been fun and unique! She is a smiley girl and is getting chunky. She likes to growl and squeal and her favorite thing to do is lay on her tummy and 'fly' w/her hands and legs lifted! (Like in the 2nd picture above!) Sounds uncomfortable, but she loves it! She rolls around on the floor every now and then but it seems as if she doesn't mind just laying on her tummy! Weird! Piper has been pushing up a lot on her hands so maybe the crawling thing will start soon??? She is almost sitting up on her own. She sits up for a little bit and then falls over but it seems like her back is getting straighter while sitting there and she can move her torso a bit more. Piper has begun that thing when babies get a little scared of certain people for whatever reason and she sometimes begins to cry when I leave the room! I know it is normal but sometimes I think she's a little spoiled! I don't know why she'd be spoiled though...haha! She's a great eater, but still will not take a bottle or sippy cup! I'm currently working on getting her to take a sippy cup of juice! We haven't had any success yet! She has 3 teeth and is working on getting one or two more currently. I can sum up the past few months as one big toothache! She has not been consistent with sleeping through the night for a good while. I'm one tired mommy! Some days she'll sleep 8-8 and others 8-4! We've had some really hard nights and early mornings and I think it's all b/c of teething! But, when she feels good she is so sweet and fun! I'm really looking forward to the holidays with her!
In non-Piper news, Michael is liking his job and working a lot! Most days he leaves by 6:30 am and returns anywhere from 4:30-7:30 pm! He is still trying to figure stuff out and learn, learn, learn! I'm slowly meeting people and getting accustomed. We're still house hunting, although we have found a house we both like. I think we'll put an offer on it in the next few days but who knows if it will all work out! We're keeping the excitement level very low! Ha!
So that's our update!!
Weekend w/the Grandparents!
This weekend Grandma and Grandpa Levy came to visit us! Piper loved having an audience the entire time. She's really turning into a ham w/people; that is when she doesn't feel like snubbing you! She can be very particular with whom she is friendly with! Luckily, she was very much into her grandparents!
We enjoyed getting the visit and look forward to seeing them soon!
Piper in her crib.
We enjoyed getting the visit and look forward to seeing them soon!
Happy Halloween
On Halloween we spent the evening at the Roush's house. Lilly was an adorable bumble bee while Piper was a ballerina, thanks to the adorable tutu Chandra made for Piper! It inspired me to make my niece a tutu! Here are some adorable pics of the girls laying on the grass!
Lilly on the left and Piper on the right...
In addition to Halloween, Piper turned 6 months old on the 30th! I can't believe it!! I usually do a cute little pic of her on her month bday mark but this month I had her pics made at Penney's in her tutu. I think the picture above is cuter than the ones I purchased!
Lilly on the left and Piper on the right...
Piper had a well checkup today at the doctor's office. She weighs 16 lbs. 7 oz. and is 26 1/2 inches long. She was supposed to receive vaccinations as well, but she had a 99.9 degree fever so we'll have to wait another week for those. She's a bit fussy tonight b/c she does not feel well!
Whenever I kept my 3yr. old niece, Olivia, a few weeks ago she and I worked on her ladybug costume for Halloween. I made her antenna and tutu which was so easy--just a little time consuming and we found her wings at the dollar store for $1! She already had the clothes. This is her modeling our creation! I think it turned out pretty cute...much cuter in person! She kept saying she was a butterfly!

Then, while I was staying with my sister last week her husband, Trebor needed a costume for his company Halloween contest. His group was doing a Grand Ole Opry theme and he was nominated to be Porter Wagner. This is Porter Wagner below...
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