Well, I think Piper's room is finished except for a few things here and there!

I sewed the curtain hanging behind the bed with leftover fabric I had from having her bumpers,
bedskirt, and curtain made. Yes, the adorable curtain I made for her former room was ripped apart so that I could make this one! I didn't have to purchase anything but the rod! I really want to put something in that middle space you see b/n the curtains. I can't think of anything...any suggestions?? Those canvas paintings to the right of the bed look dwarfed in this pic but in person they don't so much! Grammy painted those!

Also-I still have Piper's fat bumpers on her bed. I tried taking them out b/c she's kind of crowded in there and she did not sleep well. I think she likes the coziness they create. Sometimes at night she sleeps on her side w/her back smack dab against the bumpers. Also, the bedskirt on her crib was made by Piper's Grandma Judy. I was able to just fold it in half and pin it once we lowered her crib down all the way. Doesn't Piper have talented Grandma's!

Now, this is the BIG project I have been working on...the painted alphabet. It's the project I mentioned Grammy worked on over Easter! Here's the story on it: I went to the annual Cloverleaf (a cool, funky store here in
ardmore) sale a few weeks ago and they had some of those big and small letters for really cheap. Like the ones you get at a baby boutique for $14 a letter. I got mine for 25 and 50 cents a letter! The only thing was these letters were scratched and scuffed and they only had random letters like X, Y, Z. Well I got about 1/3 of the alphabet and then began my hunt for the rest. I found some marked down cheap at Hobby Lobby and I purchased some cheap frames,
canvasas and some wooden shapes (on sale of course) to be painted on and with a LOT of creative help from Grammy this is what my idea turned into! I sure wish I could paint! Good thing I've got her! ;-) Isn't it so great! I love it! I want all of you see it in person! BTW, the entire project was under $20!

The frames you see on the right are going to have Piper's newborn pics in them once Hobby Lobby gets the correct mats in stock! I have the middle one framed and matted correctly.

Paper lanterns

Doesn't she look guilty?? She was trying to escape while I was working on hanging the alphabet and she knew she shouldn't. Look how long those legs are!!!

Painted canvas by Grammy!

'B' from the alphabet. Grammy painted this freehand!

The side table.