Smoke Testing
This morning we had a little scare at our house which turned into nothing and now I feel a wee bit dorky! I was talking to Chandra on the phone (b/c it's her bday!! whoop, whoop) and was carrying Piper upstairs to her room and realized that the entire 2nd floor was filled w/smoke but the alarms were not going off??!! So, I got off the phone w/Chandra, tried calling Michael a bazillion times, and ran Piper over to my neighbors house. I came back and opened up every door and didn't see flames but it seemed like it was coming from the vents (still can't get a hold of Michael), so I called 911! 3 fire engines came to my house, a cop, and a few gawkers! Keep in mind, I live in a cul de sac of 5 houses...not a lot of room on our block! So they go inside and I'm freaking out and nervous. Oh, and it smelled really funny like electrical/sewage smelling. So they check things out and come out to say that there was no fire, etc. but instead that the city of Ardmore is 'smoke testing' the water lines and we had a dry line upstairs which causes the smoke (we have a washer/dryer hookup upstairs that isn't in use b/c we use the one downstairs--which was the 'dry' line). Anyway, it really scared me but I do feel silly b/c the city of Ardmore did leave a note on our door informing us about the testing but I forgot about it. All our neighbors were laughing and I know one of them will be teasing me for some time! Oh well! I did the right thing b/c I was in doubt. Oh, and one more thing. I finally got a hold of Michael once the fire trucks were at our house and he raced home. As he was racing a cop pulled him over b/c he was obviously speeding. Michael was in walking distance of our house so he told the cop that he needed to get home b/c his family could be in danger and ran off leaving the cop at his truck!! When he went back the cop was gone but I'm sure he was angry and we may be getting a ticket in the mail!! I think we could protest it though!! Oh, what a morning!!!
Happy Father's Day!
We celebrated Father's Day last night in our house b/c Michael and I will be out of town this weekend without Piper so I wanted him to have a special time w/her to celebrate! He's a fun Daddy and I anticipate the two of them to have a really special relationship as she continues to get older and more active! I picked up some freshly cut steaks (sorry Pops!) and made a salad, mashed potatoes, and chocolate chip cookies. It was a fun evening!
Piper and her Daddy! She goes from being a Mommy's girl to a Daddy's girl and currently she is a complete Daddy's girl! She gets so excited when he comes home from work!
I don't have a title for this...
These are some random pics I've taken over the last week. I haven't posted in a while but today I've posted a ton of stuff. It's been crazy busy around here but I think I mention that in about every other post I write!! Piper has come down with her first ear infection ever (pretty good for being almost 14 months!) and it's been a rough few days around here and some sleep-interrupted nights! I'm optimistic that today is the day it all turns around!
Piper pushing her dolly around. She is getting better at walking using her walker or our hands. She has also been walking down the sofa or around the coffee table but hasn't taken a step w/out anything yet.
This is her new look she gives. Sometimes she purses her lips like that, squints her eyes, and shrugs her shoulders all at the same time. She thinks it is funny too!! I think she looks older in this pic!
She loves the sunglasses but won't keep them on!
Our 5th Anniversary
Michael and I celebrated our 5th anniversary on June 12th. I really can't believe it has been that long but I'm sure once we've been married 20 yrs we'll definitely be saying, "where has the time gone!!??" Michael's mom has been asking to keep Piper at her house and so it finally worked out and she kept her the night before our anniversary and the night of our anniversary. I really missed her but it was fun just hanging out the two of us! We went out to eat twice and I was able to eat an entire meal without worrying about feeding a baby and we were able to go to the movies twice! We didn't exchange gifts but I did come home to these on Thursday...
And to this...

Hahahaha!!!!! Aren't you cracking up now!?! Michael wasn't trying to be funny, he really wanted me to know how I could save a few pennies! Can you tell he is a dad now? Oh, I was dying laughing over this so I hope you see the humor in like I did! Now, to give Michael some credit...he didn't intentionally have this sitting next to the roses. I had been gone all week and he had a small pile of things for me to look over or read from the mail and this just happened to be there...still it makes for a good laugh. (it doesn't take much to humor me!)
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