This is our first somewhat slow week of the summer! It's been a bit rough, actually! For 3 weeks now, Piper is waking up b/n 6-6:30 am and only taking a 1 hour nap but is completely exhausted and cranky! I've tried pretty much every idea under the sun to get her to sleep more b/c she needs it but nothing has worked. This has left me frustrated and exhausted also...yes, I've had a few meltdowns! But, at my monthly doctor visit I found out my iron is low so I'm having to supplement until the baby is born and in two days of taking the iron pills, I already feel like I have a little more energy! This week has also been challenging in disciplining Piper because I am certainly needing to stay on top of her. She is officially potty trained but during one of our rather difficult days which involved lots of time outs, toys taken away, and spankings she had 2 accidents which I believe were a blatant act of defying me! (Up to that point, it had almost been 2 weeks without an accident) But, luckily no more have occurred and she's even been wanting to take herself to the potty and pull her pants down alone! I'm very proud of her in this area! I'm trying to reread 'Shepherding a Child's Heart' to help remind me of my heart attitude towards my children, the Lord, and discipline! It sure is convicting! Anyway, that's what is going on. I'm really looking forward to getting out of town for vacation but it will be interesting to ride in the car for 12 hours w/a toddler!! Any fun car activities/ideas you know of would be appreciated!
Fun in the Sun!
Dressing Up!
Piper enjoys 'dressing up.' It hasn't turned into wearing clothing yet; just accessories for now. But, she enjoys it and has become more creative and independent with it recently!
For example, she wore the bunny eyes in the car the other day and into Wal-Mart as well. Yes, into the store and she looked pretty funny as did I since I let her but I didn't want to start a fight and I didn't want to stifle any creativity that day! Besides, it's Wal-Mart. I've seen crazier things/people there before!!
And, she enjoys this ugly beanie hat we own. She especially likes to wear it over her eyes and try walking without being able to see! Quite entertaining for her and for me!
But, I think the above photo has brought us the most laughs so far! She ran around the house like this Sunday morning for a while thinking it was so funny! At least she's got a little humor in her bones!! I think it safe to say that Piper is quite the character!
Jam Session!
Plum jam session that is! I learned how to make jam this week by talking to my mom over the phone a lot and picking my neighbors brain but it turned out delicious...messy, but yummy! I also learned that it takes more time and work to make jelly than jam so I chose to do the easiest!
I had to wash all the lids and jars and boil the lids! (And, my neighbor graciously gave/loaned me all the supplies this time!)
I had to simmer the cut up plums, then puree them a bit in the food processor.
Then, cook them w/lots of sugar--8 cups to be exact and a box of Sure Jell!
And you end up w/this little beauty of sugary goodness after a nice little 10 minute water bath that I was informed was not necessary!!
And, this is the finished product of me after 3 hrs trying to maintain a positive attitude w/swollen ankles, aching calves, and being pretty darn hot! But, it was worth it and not that hard! I have more plums that I'm going to freeze and make another batch or two before the baby arrives! Look at me--I'm Betty in the making! Ha! Btw, my neighbor, Mr. Lee picked most of the plums and I canned them since his wife had surgery on her shoulder. I was wanting to make jelly with plums from a tree in our yard but I didn't get them picked in time so he picked some some on another neighbors yard. It is definitely something I'm glad I tried and will probably do again but does not make me want to ever can anything else like veggies or relish or anything!
I'll even teach you how if you come over!
Life Around Here
Our Trip to Grandma's House!
We went to Fargo in the middle of June to visit Papa and Grandma Judy's. Piper had fun at their house. She loves seeing the cats across the street and this time they had kittens so it kept her busy looking out the window for them! She also enjoyed playing in Grandma's garden and getting to pick a few things. She is kind of scared of Papa's wheelchair so she won't sit on his lap unless he coaxes her with the occasional m&m or two!

My Little Tomboy...not really!
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