One Week and Counting!
Warning: Picture Overload!!
My sister and her kids came to meet Briggs on Thursday. It was fun to have them around all day! Piper stayed w/Grammy for two nights and w/Sheryl for a night before coming home. It was really good for her I think!
Olivia & Briggs
Piper cheesing it up! She looks like a pirate here...arrr!
Seth & Briggs
Paige & Briggs
Anna & Briggs
On Friday, Michael & I took Piper to the zoo in Gainesville. Briggs did great in the stroller and in the car...he just slept. Piper had a blast in the park across the street but she was scared at the zoo the entire time!?!
Daddy & Piper on the train!
Piper is adjusting to Briggs. She has been asking to help me and she gives him lots of kisses and hugs. If we don't get to lenient then she seems to mind us pretty well and do okay w/her jealousy. But, she also hasn't had to share just me yet. Michael or some other family member has been around the entire time! I think she's doing pretty well!
She even brought one of her favorite baby dolls for Briggs to enjoy!
Piper saw me holding Briggs on the sofa this one evening and she ran and got her baby to hold next to me. She wouldn't sit right next to me though b/c she saw his umbilical cord stump and it grossed her out! Ha!!
I have been working on getting Briggs on a schedule ASAP by following the Babywise book. It has been great so far! He is starting to become more alert during is wake times and obviously sleeps well during nap times since he's only days old! He's been sleeping in his crib upstairs and it hasn't been a problem. Sometimes I dread climbing those stinking stairs but I figure it will help me get my hiney back in shape!! Starting Tuesday or Wednesday night, he only has been waking me up about two times a night and usually going right back to sleep after I nurse him. But, a few nights he's wanted to stay awake from 4:30 am on!! One night, he only woke up one time!!! Then woke up to begin his day around 6:30 am! My goal is to start the day b/n 6:30-7:30 each morning and so far we've been doing that! I'm hoping to get him sleeping through the night by 2 months like Piper but I also know that might not happen! He has to be getting close to 10 lbs already because his cheeks have sure filled out since my milk came in! Today, we ventured out to church and it wasn't so bad! I laid out the kids clothes (that sounds weird to me...'kids' instead of 'kid') last night and then w/a ton of help from Michael we made it! It was nice to get out and socialize! Michael has been a HUGE blessing and help to me! He has really claimed it his responsibility to love on and give attention to Piper so that I can focus on Briggs and he's been doing so much around the house like dishes and cleaning to help ease my burden as I begin learning how to care for two children! I'm so thankful for him!
Coming Home
Introducing Briggs Michael Levy
Pumpkin Patch 2010
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