Sister & Brother
I wouldn't say this week has been one for the record books. Stubbornness and an uncooperative spirit have been popular in our house! However, Piper was diagnosed with bronchitis today soooo, that may be aiding in the unpopular attitude around here! Even though we've had a few rough patches, she's managed to love on her brother and be a little silly too!
See the hunky little guy...I had him weighed today during Piper's appointment and he's 2 oz. away from being a whopping 18 lbs! Drum roll please!!!! I'm pretty sure we are going to be starting cereal next week!

And, Piper has started to love posing for the camera...silly posing that is!
It's been a pajama kind of week!
Since it has been so cold this week I have not felt like getting out much. We all know that is not like me to get out and be busy!! But, it's been kind of nice and Piper has actually done well with being at home...usually she gets all crazy on me and acts like a wild banshee when she's stuck inside! I think we've been in our jammies two days at least...all.day.long! I've really enjoyed it!
Piper playing dress up!
Briggs in the Jumperoo for the first time. I think his neck is still a bit too wobbly for it!
Daddy has had the opportunity to come home for lunch twice this week! That's a rare treat for us! This is Piper hanging onto his leg w/her fish hat on!
And, today we had our friend, Katie, come over unplanned and we were all still in our pj's! The girls were having fun 'loving' on Briggs until they got a little rough with him and he started crying! As I mentioned in the last post, I dropped his 9 pm feeding and he did great the first night but then nights following not so much! He has awoken anywhere between 4:30am and 5:50am the past 4 nights so I think he still is going to need that 9 pm feeding after all! I'd much rather feed him again at 9 pm then get up at 4:30 am anymore!! Also, Briggs is teething like crazy!!!
Boom-Boom came for a visit!
Well-I'm sure you remember me mentioning Piper's imaginary friend, Boom-Boom before. She actually has several now but none of them are ever in our home. They are usually in Oka-mocha-city, as Piper says. Yesterday, however, we had the pleasure of having Boom-Boom (the most talked about friend) come over while we were eating lunch! So we took pictures with Boom-Boom. Piper gave us permission! As you can tell BB is in between me and Piper below.
And, I've got my arm around her/him in the picture below! We thought these would be a great way to embarrass Piper when she's older! Ha! As soon as we got in the car after church, Piper started talking to BB. I turned around to look at her while this was going on and Piper immediately said, "Don't look at me!" I guess conversing with your imaginary friends is a private business! Ha! Of course, we're only fueling the fire by asking her a hundred questions about all of 'them'!!!
After nap time, Piper and Michael went outside to build her first snowman! It snowed all day but not a lot. I think Michael had more fun making the snowman than Piper!
She's all bundled up and didn't want me to take her picture. The picture below cracks me up!! It says, "Oh, come on mom!!"
And, I wanted to leave you with this little bundle of sweet chunky cheeks! I think he tried to laugh yesterday! Last night I dropped his 9 pm feeding and he did great. He ate at 6 pm, went to bed at 8 pm and then I woke him up at 6:45 am! And, just to compare his size to Piper at this point. He's wearing a 6-12 month outfit from Old Navy. Piper had a very similar outfit from Old Navy in the same size that she started wearing around 4 months. He's not quite 3 months and it's not going to fit him long I can tell! Needless to say, he's healthy and such a happy little guy!
The new play house!
Christmas 2010
Briggs' first Christmas was busy and eventful! He handled it like a champ and even started sleeping through the night with the exception of a few nights! I'm so glad he has become a part of our family!
This is my grandfather. He asked me to take a picture with Briggs! Isn't that cute! This was his first Christmas without my grandma. Grandpa turned 99 on December 23rd!! He came for the days when we had Christmas at my parents home. Somehow, he slept through the craziness...I guess being hard of hearing isn't always bad!
Piper and Briggs received a cool wagon from Michael's mom and step dad! Piper loves it!

I know it isn't good for a person to wear the glasses of someone else but this was too funny! I already know my dad is freaking out that we're going to ruin Piper's eyes as he looks at this picture! Don't worry Dad, she didn't wear them long!
This is Homa holding Briggs--Michael's grandmother. She turned 90 in November!
Back to Christmas at my parents. They bought a karaoke machine for the grand kids to enjoy. Piper was all about dancing to the music!
Piper had a blast dressing up with her cousins! The pictures above and below are of her dressed up in some of my grandmother's 'red hat society' attire. My mom set some of that stuff back so the grand kids could play with it at her house when they visit!

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we were in Texas at Michael's dad and step mom's house. On Christmas Eve, Diana always prepares a fun party for the family to attend with music, yummy food, and drinks! Then on Christmas Day, we eat breakfast and open presents in our jammies and then eat a big Christmas dinner later in the day!
Piper had a lot of fun opening presents this year. She didn't understand that she could not open all the presents and became frustrated when all her presents were opened and she didn't have more. Many family members allowed her to open their presents!!
Michael giving Piper, Maggie, and Jonah a ride!
Grandpa with Briggs
Piper received a pillow pet from Grandma & Grandpa (weren't those popular this year!!) and she was in love with it instantly!!
This is Michael and Matt (his brother).
This is our sis-in-law, Amy(Matt's wife).
Our family Christmas picture. Piper has a mouth full of nuts! Lovely! 
After all the Christmas festivities came to an end, Michael and I were able to take a "mini-vacation" in OKC! My sister, aka Wonder Woman, allowed us to leave both Briggs and Piper with her and her 4 kids while we stayed at the Skirvin for two nights! Her husband was even out of town! Michael and I shopped, slept in, ate yummy food, went to a movie...basically relished in freedom! It was a nice, needed break! I think it helped re-energize me!
After all the Christmas festivities came to an end, Michael and I were able to take a "mini-vacation" in OKC! My sister, aka Wonder Woman, allowed us to leave both Briggs and Piper with her and her 4 kids while we stayed at the Skirvin for two nights! Her husband was even out of town! Michael and I shopped, slept in, ate yummy food, went to a movie...basically relished in freedom! It was a nice, needed break! I think it helped re-energize me!
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