Piper's Funnies...
Tonight, we took Piper to the pet store because it is, after all, her favorite thing! She loves it! During her bath tonight she said with a big sigh, "Whewww. I had a long day at the pet store!" Me-"Really, what did you do at the pet store that made you so tired?" P-"I was an animal." Me-"What animal were you?" P-"I was naked (nekkid) just like the mice!"
Girls Night!
Baby Dedication
Feeling Much Better
Mother's Day 2011
Mother's Day was great this year. After 1 1/2 months Briggs finally slept through the night until 7 am! That was the best! We were able to relax and just enjoy each other. Michael made us cinnamon toast and they gave me a gift certificate to a nail salon here so I will be cashing that in soon because Mama needs some time off! Both of our kids came down with hand, foot, & mouth disease last week (yes, another illness we get to deal with!) so we have been in lock down quarantine at our house. We didn't venture out to church because I do not want to infect anyone else! I think we will definitely be in the clear by Wednesday! As of yesterday, Piper was clear and Briggs' spots are significantly better! I have started the disinfecting process this morning! Every room is getting super cleaned! And, another reason to super clean--Briggs is on the move like a little worm. He can get to what he wants fairly quickly!
The most adventurous event of the day occurred last night. We had some super winds and they blew the vinyl siding off of the porte cochere...I'm trying to be fancy...the carport! Michael was out of town so you should have seen me running around like a crazy person trying not to blow away picking up siding pieces! I've got siding in the garage and siding in my house. A guy is coming today to look at it! My eyes are still irritated from all the dust and junk that blew out of the rafters! Luckily, I moved my car right before it happened so it wasn't a total disaster!
Piper is 3!
Piper turned three years old last Saturday! Wow, I can't even believe it! We had a 3 day celebration around here and she loved every second of it! On Thursday, I took miniature chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles and toy rings on them! She requested 'brown cupcakes' for her MDO. This was the best party. It lasted 10 minutes but she was in awe of the fact that I brought the cupcakes she asked for, they sang to her and that her teachers gave her a book, birthday hat, and a sucker! If the word 'fantastic' was in her vocabulary, I think she would have said it was a fantastic party!
No, she doesn't have a missing tooth, it is just chocolate cupcake!!
Her friends at MDO.
Piper's sweet teachers, Ms. Shirley & Ms. Phyllis.
Then on Friday we had our friend birthday part at the park. Above is her dressed all cute in her birthday hat but it was too windy that day to wear the hat or to light her candles. Actually, it was too windy to even go to the park but our sweet friends braved it just for her.
This is Piper and Anna Kate eating their pink cupcakes and drinking juice. Piper asked for pink cupcakes for her park party! She didn't realize she could ask for a gift or something else. She just asked for cupcakes!
On Saturday (her actual birthday) we played it a lot more low key! The four of us went out for donuts, then at lunch she got another pink cupcake with the green candles she requested! We gave her an art easel and she loves it!
She did ask when/where her party was and if friends were coming so I think having two parties in a row confused her....why not have a 3rd! Ha!

I think my nose grew! This isn't the most flattering picture but we are making memories, right!!
After the donut shop, Daddy worked in the yard and Piper helped! It was a relaxing Saturday and I know Piper enjoyed it!
Happy 3rd Birthday to my precious little Piper. You are so ornery and strong willed but so sweet and sensitive at the same time! I love you to pieces!!
Briggs being big!
Easter 2011
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