The Kids Bedrooms
The kids rooms are complete with a few minor exceptions. I still need to hem curtains and such! I completely love having a single story house now with the kids rooms just down the hall! It has made it soooo much easier on me and the kids love it because they can just run/crawl down the hall to their rooms and play with each other. I don't have to be in there worrying about keeping a crawling baby away from the stairs!
This is Piper's big wall with the alphabet. I would like to buy some inexpensive moulding and paint it hot pink and frame it out!
Her doorway. The fun sweater was given to her before she was born from her Aunt JuJu. It is from Argentina or somewhere kind of exotic! The pink hook thing below that was a Southern Living item that I spray painted hot pink. It's for her backpack and jackets!
Her bed an window area. i just used all her things from her old room and painted the room blue! I want to add some frilly pillows and paint her nightstand eventually. I'm also on the hunt for an old dresser to paint pink and place to the left there. It's a long wall which would be perfect. That will finish off her room! Since we do not have a guest room, we eventually want to get a daybed with a trundle and they can use her room. Oh, and I also want to add a few more lanterns and hangy down things above her bed!
Briggs room when you enter. I painted it the same color of blue as Piper's room. This is also the same blue we had in his old room. Love it!! Once again, I used the same things to decorate his room as his old room.
I did add big fat red buttons to his curtains...well, my sister added them for me!
And, that framed picture is actually a fun London map that we had in the playroom in our old house! Still love the hoops! Notice the crib is propped up on one side and the vaporizer is on the floor. He's had a nasty cold this week! But, oh he has been so snugly and sweet to rock!
One Year Comparison...
Cowboy Briggs!
Two and a half weeks after moving, we celebrated Briggs' first birthday western style in our backyard! Here's our little cow town, complete with the "Blue Door Inn," the Saloon, and the Jail!

The decor...the pictures don't do it justice! We served Chili and the fixings along with cupcakes.

Cowgirl Piper waiting for the party to start!
Some of our guests...
Chandra and 6 week old, Evelyn! Doesn't Chandra look good!
Miss Natalie
Mendy & Sonya--college friends
Mommy and the cowboy himself!
Renna & Regan
Daddy and our little cowpoke!

Olivia & Aunt Sheryl
Grammy with Cowboy Briggs

Reagan, Mendy, Natalie, Sonya, Chandra, Evelyn
All the kids eating lunch and dressed in their finest western get ups! The kids all happened to be girls! No boys! Ha! We need to find us some rough and tumble boys to play with! Briggs has no guy friends! But, Piper didn't mind a bit. She was having so much fun with all her girl friends! I think she thought the party was for her too! We did invite some boys but they were not able to make it!
Singing to the birthday boy! He doesn't know what to think!
I had to shove the icing around his lips and in his mouth so he'd realize he did not want to miss out on some yummy stuff!

Pretty much just ate the frosting and a few bites of cake. He didn't get too dirty!
All the partying wore him slick! He was exhausted and probably slept 3 hours for nap time! He went straight to Grandma Judy and laid his head on her shoulder as if to say, "Rescue me!"
He was a laid back sheriff the day of his party! Happy Birthday Big Guy! We love you!! Thank you everyone who came and celebrated with us! Many of you traveled a ways to see him! We are so thankful to share his special day with you!
Briggs is 1!!
Our little Briggs is one! I can't believe it!! This year has flown by and I wish I could rewind it just a little to enjoy my 'little' baby just a little more! Briggs has got some personality coming out in him! He is not gentle but full-on brute force when he's determined! He loves his sissy but knows how to make her mad!! Ha! He loves pulling hair and biting right now...not fun for us girls! But, he sure knows how to snuggle and make us laugh. Lately he's been cracking himself up! I think he may be our little ham! He's beginning to realize that you can get reactions out of people when you do silly things! The carseat is slowly becoming his enemy! He doesn't want to be held too much because he's ready to GO! He isn't walking yet but he is a quick little crawler and is walking along the furniture and bear crawling! It's so funny to see! He is laid back but will let you know when things aren't right! He eats so fast you cannot keep up with him and he loves his sippy cup! No problem transitioning him there!
He will sometimes say 'mama' but mostly in distress still. He loves his daddy and will say, 'dada' all day long! We think we've heard him try to say Piper but it was more the inflection of Piper though. Michael and I both heard it! I'm not crazy! My sister heard him say 'puppy' and he has signed 'more' several times, just not in the correct context! Ha! He grunts and fusses when he's thirsty, especially if he sees someone drinking or a cup on the counter. He's always thirsty!
He loves to dance and boy, does his booty shake! I love it!!!
Briggsy bear--We can't imagine our family without you! I really don't remember what it was like before you came along! You have been such a sweet baby to mother and I'm so happy to get to love on you!!! Your laugh is contagious and your smile just melts me! We all love your calm demeanor. I'm so excited to see what becomes of your personality this next year as you learn to talk and walk! You're a sweetheart!
He loves cars and trucks like a typical boy and makes the noises to go along! So funny! He also loves playing with all his sisters toys!
Briggs weighs 25.2 lbs and is 31 inches long. He's in the 75th-90th percentile range. I'm so surprised he wasn't off the charts for as big as he seems!
Sneak Peek...
Here's a little bit of our house. I really like it! It is not finished by any means, but a lot of progress has been made thanks to my sister and Michael! We have all put hours of work into this house! I really do love that it is one story, smaller, in a more populated, but quiet neighborhood (although the neighbors haven't been knocking us over with their friendliness...yet!) and it has a smaller back yard. I love that our kids can run from the kitchen down the hall to their rooms and I don't have to worry about stairs! It has been a nice fit for us so far! Oh, and this is our first house with carpet in the living room!! Our other houses have had tile throughout except the bedrooms.

Why so happy??
Because we are out of the apartment and into our own home!!!
We love it! It took about a week for Piper to be okay with sleeping in her own room alone again, but she's good to go now and really loves her room!
Briggs is sleeping longer at night now that he doesn't have his sister to wake him up! He's cozy in his room!
We all love that we live in a single story house now. It's much easier to get to the kids bedrooms now! They can actually play in there alone!
And, we have a back yard again!
(These pics were taken our last day in the apartment at the end of September!)
This was taken shortly after moving into our house! Briggs got into this baby pack and play by himself and Piper followed suit! She's all dressed up!
More house pics to come...
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