So this weekend she rode her bike a lot with Michael! She still is too nervous to remove the training wheels but she made progress in that she went down the big hill on our street without getting off her bicycle and walking! This is huge! When she came home she ran into the bathroom where I was preparing the bath and said, "Mom, I went down the big hill!! I didn't stop. Daddy only helped me once! Oh, I just love being a kid. I don't want to stop being a kid because it is just so much fun! I don't want to waste my time watching TV so I'm not watching it anymore. Being a kid is so much fun that I don't need to waste it watching TV. I'm going to play outside and do fun stuff. Ya!" She spoke so fast and so excitedly that I couldn't help but giggle and smile a lot! That was on Friday. By Sunday morning she came to me as we were getting ready for church and said (very seriously) "Mom. You know that thing about not watching anymore TV? I'd like to stop that. Can I please watch Sophia the First?" Haha!! She makes me smile!
A few days before that, I was fixing her hair before we left for open house and we have the following conversation:
P-"Jake told me he had a crush on me today."
Me-"Oh. What did you say to Jake?"
P- "I said, Oh. I love someone else." (Insert big mom eyes right now!!!!)
Me-"Who do you love?"
P-"Logan." (Logan is a family friend and another kindergartner)
Me-"What did Jake say?"
P- "I don't know!"
Me-"Doesn't Nora like Logan? Are you just liking the boys Nora likes?" (Nora is one of Piper's friends.)
P-"No! Nora love JD!"
Then I preceded to calmly remind her that she doesn't need to be 'in love' with anyone at this age except for Daddy, Mommy, and Briggs but that having friends that are boys is just fine. She said something about how everyone has boyfriends right now and I told her she was too young for a boyfriend and that was just silly. Michael also talked to her and told her how pretty and sweet she was. No wonder a boy would like her but she's too young right now to love anyone else but her daddy!
Oh this girl!!...