Michael and I decided that we wanted to one last fun thing for the summer with the kids. We could not agree on a place to drive or fly to so settled on staying home and doing a staycation of sorts here in the Dallas area. It really was more like taking an adventure everyday somewhere with Daddy home and then sleeping in our own beds! Which was nice! Each place we visited or ate at were places we have yet to see and visit since our move to the area.
To begin, we went to Medieval Times. Truth be told, I was a little embarrassed to tell people we were going there because every time I've ever driven by the 'castle' I kind of poke fun of the people attending! So call me a hypocrite! It was cheesy and dorky but it was so fun with the kids. If Michael had ever asked me to go while dating, I probably would not have stuck around! That's how silly I think this place is. But really, truly, I enjoyed it because the kids LOVED it!
The red and black knight was the knight we were cheering for. He won that that evening! We were excited!
Briggs did not want to wear his crown ever!
Here is Piper drinking her 'dragon soup!' It was really just Campbell's tomato soup! Ha! She thought it was delicious and Briggs kept asking where the dragons were because they needed to eat their soup! You don't get utensils while eating at Medieval Times. That is why she is drinking it out of the bowl!
Piper caught a carnation from our knight! Oh Bliss!
I snapped a pic of our commemorative photo we purchased! Piper can't wait to hang it in her bedroom! And you can tell Briggs was happy to be photographed!

The next day we ate a nice breakfast at home and relaxed, then drove to Grapevine to check out Legoland! We arrived at Grapevine Mills mall a little before our designated time slot so we could eat a quick bite of lunch and look around. On the way to the food court, Michael seriously contemplated purchasing a hermit crab for the kids! Oh Praise Jesus he came to his senses! And, Piper kept talking about the Food Court like we were about to spend the day at Six Flags! The girl couldn't wait to see the Food Court and pick what she was going to eat. (She picked Sonic, btw!) I think that is what we could have done for the day and called it good! So funny! After eating, Michael treated the kids to a carousel ride and they really enjoyed that. Then we headed to Legoland. It.Is.Crazy! There were tons of kids there. TONS! There were fun amusement style rides, only two or three, but enough to excite our kids! And as you can imagine, a lot of Lego's! Our kids loved it!

We watched a 4D Lego movie. Piper disliked it because it had no Lego men just Lego animals and Briggs despised it because we were sprayed with a find mist of water and foam as part of the 4D package! Yay! Oh I'm laughing just remembering his meltdown of getting wet unexpectedly!
Part of vacations now, include Piper asking about twenty times if she gets to buy something! At some point, she realized it is fun to shop on vacation, so she does not let us forget she knows this fun little fact! Sweet Daddy let each kid pick out a couple of Lego sets to purchase at their store. Really, I think he likes to help them build the sets so he's happy to oblige! Piper is standing here with the Lego size Dirk Nowitzki. After Legoland, we checked out downtown Grapevine and ate at a little Mexican restaurant Michael enjoyed growing up.
The third day, we visited the Dallas World Aquarium. It is really a cool place! Michael and I felt like it was more like a rain forest than an aquarium.
This is the shark tunnel. We stayed to watch them eat. When I first read you could watch the shark feeding, in my mind I'm imagining large chunks of fleshy fish being devoured by these ravenous beasts! No, it was more like little dead shrimp and squids floaty through the water while the sharks delicately munched away! Haha! Lame to say the least! But it did create quite the frenzy and crowd!
Briggs loves animals. Here he is waving to the little outdoor penguins! They were cute!
And, along the rain forest, we ran into a native! Haha! They had some Mayan tribal dance show with music. One guy was running his thigh across a flame of fire over and over! Um, why? He told the kids later, that it was very ouchy and not to try at home. Thanks! Their costumes were elaborate!
We spent close to three hours there and saw it all! Whew! Very neat place to visit!
Afterwards, we drove to Pokey O's and have an ice cream and cookie treat then caught the McKinney trolley in Uptown. The kids thought they were riding the train. It was great! But along the way, it started pouring rain and Piper was scared! That made the trolley ride last a little longer than we anticipated! But still an experience I'm glad we had!
At the end of the day we ate at the original Campisi's restaurant. Piper pretended to be a our waitress while waiting on our pizza. She's a character. The pizza was yummy and the mob-looking staff was intriguing!
The next day was Sunday. We went ahead and attended church because it was promotion Sunday for our kids and we wanted them to meet their new teachers and see their new classrooms with everyone else. In the afternoon, the kids and I went with my friend Robyn and her kids to the CR Smith museum. It's an aviation museum but it has a traveling Lego display there temporarily. Both Robyn's kids and my kids were more interested in the Lego stuff than the aviation stuff!
Our final day of the Staycation, no pictures were taken. We took the kids to see Planes 2 and were going to visit the Chase tower downtown to look across the city skyline; however, on the way there we had a flat tire on the van that needed to be taken care of! So the trip ended a little abruptly and sooner than we had planned. It really was like a vacation since we had that little hiccup! We had a fun few days and spent a lot of great family time together!