Thanksgiving 2008 was a good one for us! We drove to Fargo, OK to stay with my parents on Thursday & Friday and then we headed to Clinton on Saturday. I let Piper try turkey, bread, and mashed potatoes for the 1st time. She liked it all! When we were in Clinton, her Aunt Valerie and Grammy sneaked her some pumpkin pie! On Thanksgiving day, Piper's 4
th tooth popped through. And, over the holiday weekend she started to babble a lot! It's as if she's going to say a real word at any moment b/c she has facial expressions and hand gestures that suggest she means business and she wants us to understand...just like her mom! As many of you know, Piper has not been the most happy traveler in her car seat, but this trip we got smart! Michael set up the portable
dvd player in the backseat and I purchased a Baby Einstein
dvd for her. Whenever she woke up in the car and started to fuss we pushed play and like magic she was as happy as can be! She would squeal in delight as she watched. It was an amazing miracle and made for a completely pleasant trip of no fussing! I highly recommend doing this if you have a fussy baby. It's worth every penny! With that said, enjoy our Thanksgiving day pics!

Piper and Aunt Sheryl. The lighting wasn't so great!

Piper with her
Nall cousins. From left: Anna, Paige, Olivia, and Seth & Piper in the seat!

Piper in her turkey bib with Mommy.

This little red chair she is sitting in is another great piece of baby gear! It's a
Chicco brand portable high chair. It hooks up onto the table and is very sturdy. It's easy to take off and it's slim once folded up. Great for traveling or if you do not have a large space for a high chair. I plan to just leave it in my trunk for when we travel.

Still waiting to eat!