
Dinner Time

Piper used her high chair for the first time tonight! She practiced in Miss Lilly's high chair this past weekend so we knew she was ready for it. She has been such a great eater. We are pretty much on a 3 meal-a-day schedule along with an additional liquid snack! I may be cutting that out in the next month but I haven't decided! She still is not taking a bottle! So far, she has eaten rice and oatmeal cereal, yellow squash, green beans, peas, carrots, bananas, plums, applesauce, blueberries, and avocado. I'm going to try to introduce pears, prunes, butternut squash, and spinach over the next 2 weeks. She has not rejected any food yet, but has shown favor in certain foods. Before starting solids, I was quite nervous and apprehensive about the entire process but it has all fallen into place and now I feel a lot more confident! I've been preparing all the fruits and veggies instead of purchasing baby food jars (except for the applesauce and plums). It's been a lot cheaper and so much easier than I would have thought. It only takes me about an hour to prepare food for 2 or 3 weeks! I just puree it, freeze it in an ice cube tray and set out a cube or two when it is time to eat or when I need to take it with me. I think it's just as easy has buying the jar. I have to give credit to Chandra for helping me feel more confident in making Piper's baby food! I'm glad she is paving the way!!!

1 comment:

Hannah E. said...

Oh my, I'm not ready for the high chair! Piper looks so much older sitting in it!! Been thinking of you lots this week...our other friend's Piper was born last week, and it's made us think of you a bunch. Jonah has been asking about y'all.