*A little added sidenote--Since she had this procedure done, she is no longer congested sounding either!! That's a big deal b/c we can't remember a time she hasn't been congested!
As most of you know, Piper had a little surgery one week ago to remove her adenoids and put tubes in her ears. I knew the tubes part was going to be a breeze but I wasn't sure about the adenoids. And, I was a little nervous about the anesthesia!! To begin that day, we got her up right at 6:15, strapped her in the car seat and left. She couldn't eat or drink so we were trying just to get up and go! She made it quietly in the car for almost 45 minutes and then started asking for a snack! Ahhh! We appeased her for a bit but it didn't last long until Daddy began singing 'Jesus Loves Me' and that was magic! This song is her new thing right now, btw! He ended up having to sing that all the way from Purcell to OKC which was probably 1 hour with traffic. He tried to sing other songs but she fussed at him like none other. It was pretty funny but I was certainly glad it wasn't me singing over and over and over! Before surgery, she had to have a sedative b/c she was so upset when a nurse even got close to her and that was just the check-in part where they ask me all those health questions! It made her a little loopy which was pretty cute. No, I have no pictures of the process! And, I was able to walk her back to the operating room unlike the other mothers b/c my child was having a harder time with the process! Watching her get 'knocked' out with the laughing gas was funny and sad all at the same time. She was so giggly and then she was out like that. I had a hard time leaving her in there but remained calm! Thankfully, my sister and Michael's mom came to be with us which really helped the time pass and occupy my mind. The surgery went well according to Dr. Digoy but her recovery afterwards was rough according to mama and daddy! Ha! She would cry really hard and then fall asleep, cry some more, sleep some more, until finally she woke up and just cried! Poor thing hated all those wires connected to her. She kept trying to pull them off and she was screaming if a nurse came near! We had to stay almost and hour and a half later than normal b/c we could not get Piper to drink her juice. She refused. Finally, she drank the bare minimum and the released us and as soon as we got in our car she wanted the juice and she wanted food...little stinker! She just wanted out of there! We treated her to french fries on the way home. It took until yesterday, so almost a week, for her to get back to normal. We had some early morning waking up, and middle of the night waking up for a few days, plus a LOT of fussy, fussy, fussy times during the day! She just didn't feel good! Whew, I wasn't sure how long that would last but she's pretty much back to her happy self which is such a relief to me! Michael's actually taking me on a date tomorrow night as my reward!! ha! One huge praise about the surgery was, the anesthesiologist realized Piper has a smaller airway than she is suppose to at this age and he had to use a trachea tube that is usually used on a newborn, not a toddler! The doctor said if we would have gone to a non-children's surgery center we may not have been so lucky b/c they would have probably tried to shove the normal sized tube down her throat causing a ton of damage and more surgery! He said we need to be aware of this problem if she ever has surgery again or if she ever gets croup b/c her airway may be blocked! I was so thankful that the Lord allowed circumstances to make us decide to go to OKC instead of doing it here in Ardmore! Anyway, so we are on the mend. Piper had a little friend over this morning and played so well w/him. But, it's the perfect combo--she's bossy and talkative and wants things her way...he doesn't talk and just goes along w/the flow! How could they not get along!?!
I'm so glad she's recovered! It makes me sad to think of you having to leave her in the surgery room. I would have been a wreck! So, good job!
Girl I understand! It was hard to hand Luke over to the anesthesiologist when he had his procedure to put him in his body cast for his dislocated hip and we are going to have to do it several more times for every cast change:( But is was so funny to see him under the influence of "silly sauce"...he was so giddy! I am glad she is recovered!
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