I cannot a believe a year has passed already since we welcomed this little pistol into our family! I've been reminiscing all day about December 10, 2014. It is so weird to think about what our family would be like without Emerson! Probably a little more organized, quiet, and boring! I'm so thankful she is in our family! And I wish this first year could last a little longer!
I think the photos I took today, capture her little personality well! She loves to smile, but she won't give her smiles away freely! You have to work for a smile from her but she knows how to give you the stink eye right away! She's a cutie pie with a stubborn streak! Just like her mama and big sister! She does not want to sit still or snuggle, unless it's at bedtime and I think that is her delay tactic. But I do love it! Emerson is always on the go, never one to sit still and keep her attention for long.

She loves carbs and sweet stuff...crackers, bread, fruit, sugary cereal. Veggies are kind of gross to her unless they are seasoned just right! She likes her meat but not always and pasta is hit or miss. She loves yogurt and cheese. But she's already demanding I give her the spoon to feed the yogurt to herself! So mealtime has become a bit of a battle ground. This girl will NOT drink milk. I have tried milk in several different cups and she doesn't want it! She loves her water and that's that! I'm trying to sneak it in though!
She loves crawling around everywhere. Indoors, outdoors...it does not matter. I really am surprised she is not walking yet. She can scoot along the furniture rather quickly!
Emerson has six teeth. Two on bottom and four on top. She loves to bite with those teeth! Bite food, bite toys, bite clothes, bite people! Beware!
She loves her Daddy! When he gets home and she hears is voice, she stops, looks up, gibbers something, squeals, and begins saying "Dada, dada, dada" and crawls as quickly to him as possible! For the record, she's not saying "Mama" much at all!
Emerson weighs 19.5 lbs and is 29 in long. She is our smallest one year old but not much smaller than Piper was!
She can say "Pipuh" for Piper, "Dada" for Daddy, "Diss" for Please, woofs like a doggy, signs "more" and "all done" and can hum the tune of "Twinkle-twinkle." It's her favorite song! Her vocabulary isn't large, but she manages to let us know what she needs! Emerson is a little ornery! She is a quiet observer, picking up a lot of stuff! She is sleeping about eleven hours a night and still taking two naps each day. She loves to dance and it is adorable!
Tonight for her birthday, she opened the presents that the big kids picked out for her. Briggs picked out a new giraffe and it plays "Twinkle, twinkle." She loved it!
And Piper picked out a kitty keyboard. Emerson loved it! So did big sis and big bro. There was a lot of fighting over it! Emerson even snarled at Briggs, gave him a mean look, and tried to push him away each time he touched it! Ha!
Emerson - You are such a fun and joyful (and sometimes ornery) addition to our family!
Now, let's brace ourselves for Age 2! Eek!