
Emerson's First Birthday Party

We celebrated Miss Emerson's birthday last week with family and friends in our home. We had 17 kids and 15 adults here.  If I am counting correctly! She was a little overwhelmed with all the people and kept quite a serious face most of the time. (I'm realizing more and more she has a serious personality a majority of the time!) She did smile and clap when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her and a few times as she licked the icing off of her cupcake.  She wanted nothing to do with touching the cupcake so she kept leaning forward and licking it ever so gingerly. Pretty funny!  We are SO thankful for everyone coming to our house and celebrating this milestone with us!  

Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat-Nat where in attendance.  Emerson wouldn't have anything to do with Aunt Nat-Nat though!
Grandpa & Grandma came!  At this point, Emerson only wanted mama!
In the chaos, we didn't get a picture with just Michael and Emerson!  But this one wasn't too shabby!
Jonah and Uncle Matt came too!

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