

Piper is proud to announce she is a big sister! The new baby will be here in October. I'm due October 13th. Right around 3 grandparents birthdays and a cousin! I am 9 weeks.
We found out we were pregnant at 3 weeks...the same day I found out I had strep and the flu. I knew it was a possibility I was pregnant but didn't really think I was. The doctor wanted me to take a pregnancy test just in case b/c there were some medications that I didn't want to take if I was pregnant. Sure enough, I was! Then that same month, me and Piper got the stomach flu...all while feeling the exhaustion of the first trimester! Have I mentioned February was a hard month! Ha!
Things are better now though. Still tired and having more morning sickness but functioning well! I cannot stand the sight of food or preparing food, especially chicken--raw or cooked! Morning sickness hasn't been as bad this time as with Piper...yet!
This was Piper preparing to take her pictures..."Hmm, what face should I make in the picture?"

And, to explain the pearls...she found these at my mom's house over the weekend and has been insistent to wear them every day since! I have a diva on my hands! And, I made that shirt for her just so we could take pictures and announce it! Oh, and I had my first doctor's visit today (that's why I can finally tell everyone). We had an ultrasound and saw the baby and saw the heartbeat but didn't get to listen to it. Everything looked normal to the doctor! I go back in 3 weeks!


. said...

I was just checking Mendy's blog and saw "suprise" on your page over to the side and immediately thought "Shelly's PREGNANT!" Congratulations! I know it can be exhausting chasing after a little one in the first trimester. Hang in there! :)

-Michelle N

Hannah said...

I'm THRILLED for you!!! Such happy news!!! Cute shirt you made for Piper too, by the way. I remember you started to feel a lot better around 9 weeks the last pregnancy. I remember it so well because it gave me so much HOPE, being a couple weeks behind you! =) So hopefully you'll experience that again this time!!
Love you all!

Martha said...

Congrats!!! I love the shirt and Piper's faces in the mirror. So cute. She will be a fantastic big sister.

Amber said...

Congrats!!! I just saw your title on Mendy's blog and thought I might know what the surprise was. Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!!! (No more strep and stomach bugs.)