
The Day After Photos

Photo above taken at 2 pm; Photo below taken at 7 am.
The swelling in Piper's nose increased slightly overnight and so did the bruising. I was concerned that she wouldn't sleep well but she slept from 8:30-6 which has been normal lately (but not long enough for mommy!). She has been herself mostly...playful and fussy. I think she's a tad bit more fussy than normal but that is to be expected. We have 2 friends over today so that is distracting her. I'm still so thankful that it wasn't any worse than this! She looks like a little lion cub!

1 comment:

Mendy said...

Poor little baby!! I am so glad she is okay. Don't feel bad, things like that happen. I am sure she has already forgotten about it. Hope you all are doing well. love ya.