
She's 5 months old today!

I took some 5 month photos of Piper today in the front yard. I think the bows may be a bit big, huh?? Ha!! I think it will be a little bit longer before we're able to pull these bows off!

And then there is this picture below! She's giving me the evil eye, isn't she??!! Doesn't that make you laugh out loud! I don't know how I captured this snapshot but it is great! Grrr....

Piper's 5 month of life has been a busy one! She moved and had to go through all kinds of transitions but I think she's finally getting settled! We were having some sleeping through the night issues as well as nap issues but that is all flowing quite smoothly at the moment. Yesterday she had her very first prescription filled b/c she's battling a nasty little cough. So, hopefully her 6 month will be a little more calm and relaxed! Piper has really found her voice. I think her first word might be 'hi' b/c she makes that 'hhhhaa' noise a lot. She loves to squeal loudly too! She's also enjoying her jumperoo activity set and her activity gym. She has been rolling from her back to her belly a lot, but seems to have forgotten how to roll from her belly to her back. That will pick up again soon! And, she's eating cereal twice a day as well as a veggie once a day. So far she has tried peas and squash and seems to like them both. She does make a funny face every time I give her a bite of veggie though! It's been a busy and hard month, but a great one as well!

1 comment:

chandra said...

She looks like she is saying....if you put one more bow on me I'm going to bite you!haha That is great!